Help Everyone in Roanoke Valley Thrive
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Impact Snapshot 2023-2024

Impact Snapshot 2023-2024
Early Learners
1,321 Educators
received training to ensure quality childcare is accessible to families in the region
190+ Childcare Centers
received support to provide high quality care and education to young children
500+ Infants & Parents
received preventative medical and dental care
250+ Families
gained access to services that reduced barriers to their child’s success
Successful Youth
377 Youth
participated in after-school enrichment programs
150 Students
received after-school tutoring that supports the education they receive in their schools
200 Youth
received after-school counseling by qualified mental health staff
200+ Parents
participated in after-school activities that brought families together
Empowered Adults
500+ Adults
were connected to essential resources to improve their health and self-sufficiency
60 Seniors
received valuable resources provided by UWRV Community Health Workers
200 Adults
participated in training programs to improve their job skills
100% of Adults
that got a job through our collaborative employment program were hired at a living wage